Last Update: 10 Nov
2004 |
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Check Out Policy
Checking out materials from The WMGG library is free and open to any WMGG member in good standing.
Lending Period
- Materials may be checked out as of the second week of each semester and must be returned two weeks before the end of that semester.
- Loaned materials must be renewed every two weeks.
- If another member is on a waiting list for an item, it must be returned on its due date and cannot be renewed.
Check out Instructions
- Visit the WMGG office during the hours of operation. See the "Contact Us" link on the toolbar to your left for details..
- Present your WMGG membership card and a photo ID (drivers license, etc.) to the e-board member staffing the office. Your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number will be required in order to check out any materials.
- No more than three materials may be checked out per member at any one time.
- Return all materials on time and in the same condition they were borrowed.
Overdue Policies
- Materials are considered overdue when they are not renewed or returned in accordance with the "Lending Period" policies at the top of this page.
- Members with overdue materials will be notified.
- All WMGG membership privileges including access to further materials from the library will be suspended until overdue materials are returned.
- Any materials not returned one semester after their original due date will be considered stolen and appropriate action will be taken.
Copyright © 1999-2025 the Western Michigan Gamers Guild Original site design by Jedigrad Productions.
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